# Changelog
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/)
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/).
= [3.3.0] - 29 Feb, 2024 =
* ADDED: Add new filter for filtering the list of post types supported by the plugin: publishpressfuture_supported_post_types, #677;
* ADDED: Add new filter for choosing to hide or not the Future Action in the post editors: publishpressfuture_hide_metabox, #69;
* ADDED: Add new filter for filtering the post metakeys in the post model: publishpressfuture_action_meta_key, #69;
* ADDED: Add new method `medataExists` to the `PublishPressFutureFrameworkWordPressModelsPostModel` class;
* ADDED: Add support to a hash in the the post meta `pp_future_metadata_hash`, to identify if the future action's post meta has changed or was scheduled by metadata (fully availale only on PRO);
* ADDED: Add metadata support for the future action data, allowing to schedule actions based on metadata (support for ACF, Pods, and other plugins), #69;
* ADDED: Add metadata mapping for allowing integrating with 3rd party plugins, #69;
* ADDED: Add a setting for hiding the Future Action metabox on the post edit screen and keeping the future actions enabled, #69;
* ADDED: New Gutenberg Block for displaying the future action date, #171;
* ADDED: Add new action `publishpressfuturepro_process_metadata` for triggering the future actions scheduling based on metadata, #69;
* CHANGED: Deprecated the filter `postexpirator_unset_post_types` in favor of the new filter `publishpressfuture_supported_post_types`, allowing not only remove, but add new post types to the list of supported post types, #677;
* CHANGED: The list of post types in the settings page now also shows the non-public post types that are not built in on WordPress, #677;
* CHANGED: Remove the X and Facebook icons from the footer in the admin pages, #667;
* CHANGED: Updated the URLs on the plugin's footer, #667;
* CHANGED: Minor change in the description of the setting that controls the activation/deactivation future action for the post type;
* CHANGED: The metadata `_expiration-date-status` now can be specified as `1` or `'1'` and not only `'saved'`, #69;
* CHANGED: The action `publishpress_future/run_workflow` is now depreacated in favor of `publishpressfuture_run_workflow`;
* CHANGED: When metadata support is enabled, a future action enabled is recognized by the presence of the date metadata field, ignoring the status field, #69;
* CHANGED: Added support for other date formats in the date metadata field, not only unix timestamp, #69;
* CHANGED: Minor changes to the layout of some settings pages;
* CHANGED: Change the default settings tab to "Post Types" instead of "General";
* CHANGED: Change the links and items in the footer on the plugin's admin pages, #667;
* FIXED: Fix language files for ES, IT, FR, #665;
* FIXED: Fix error when a term does not exists, #675;
* FIXED: Add new interface for NoticeFacade: NoticeInterface;
* FIXED: Fatal error: Delcarations of PostStatusToCustomStatus::getLabel() must be compatible with the interface, #674;
* REMOVED: Remove the legacy action `postExpiratorExpire`. This action will not trigger the future actions anymore;
* REMOVED: Remove the legacy action `publishpressfuture_expire`. This action will not trigger the future actions anymore;
= [3.2.0] - 25 Jan, 2024 =
* ADDED: Add new advanced setting to choose the base date for the future actions: current date or post publishing date #530;
* ADDED: Add the possibility to use non hierarchical taxonomies, #285;
* ADDED: Add new future action to remove all taxonomy terms of a post, #652;
* ADDED: Add new action hook `publishpressfuture_saved_all_post_types_settings` to allow developers to trigger an action when the Post Types settings are saved;
* CHANGED: Deprecate the constant PublishPressFutureModulesSettingsSettingsFacade::DEFAULT_CUSTOM_DATE and replaced it with ::DEFAULT_CUSTOM_DATE_OFFSET;
* CHANGED: Moved the date and time format settings fields to the Display tab, #605;
* CHANGED: Added description to the taxonomy setting field in the Post Types tab, #641;
* CHANGED: Moved the Post Types settings tab to the first position, #619;
* CHANGED: Simplify the name of actions on taxonomy related actions, adding the actual name of the taxonomy, #294;
* CHANGED: Change the text on the Status column in the Future Actions list, from "Pending" to "Scheduled", #661;
* CHANGED: Fixed typos and improved the text in the Post Types settings tab, #659;
* FIXED: Fix consistency on radio buttons alignment on the settings page;
* FIXED: Hides the legacy cron event field from Diagnostics and Tools settings tab if no legacy cron event is found;
* FIXED: Fix the "Change Status to Trash action" on custom post types, #655;
* FIXED: Added back support for reusable blocks, #200;
* FIXED: Updated the language files, #653;
* FIXED: Fix error 404 when activating future action on a post type that has no taxonomy registered, #662;
= [3.1.7] - 04 Jan, 2024 =
* FIXED: Fix compatibility with plugins like "Hide Categories and Products for Woocommerce", making sure terms are not hidden in the taxonomy field, #639;
* FIXED: Fix the terms select field in the settings page, expanding it on focus, #638;
* FIXED: Fix the fatal error when hook `add_meta_boxes` didn't receive a `WP_Post` instance as parameter, #640;
* FIXED: Fix issue with the "NaN" categories in the classic editor, #647;
* FIXED: Fix issue with accents on the taxonomy field in the settings, #642;
= [3.1.6] - 20 Dec, 2023 =
* ADDED: Add a new setting to select the time format in the date picker component, #626;
* CHANGED: Stick the library woocommerce/action-scheduler on version 3.7.0, so we don't force WP min to 6.2;
* CHANGED: Min WP version is now 6.1, #627;
* CHANGED: The field to select terms now expands when the user focus on it, not requiring to type a search text, #633;
* CHANGED: Increase the limit of items displayed i nthe the field to select terms. It shows up to 1000 items now, #633;
* FIXED: Fix support for WP between 6.1 and 6.4, #625;
* FIXED: Fix the search of posts in the posts lists, #620;
* FIXED: Fix classic meta box when using Classic Editor plugin with the classic editor as default, #624;
* FIXED: Fix default date for new posts, #623;
* FIXED: Fix the quick edit form and future action column for pages, #618;
* FIXED: Fix support to custom taxonomies that are not showed in the Rest API, #629;
* FIXED: Fix compatibility with PublishPress Statuses' custom statuses, #632;
= [3.1.5] - 14 Dec, 2023 =
* FIXED: Fix array_map(): Argument must be of type array, string given, #606;
* FIXED: Remove broken and invalid setting to use classic metabox, #604;
* FIXED: Prevent a PHP warning in the posts screen if the selected term do not exists anymore, #612;
* FIXED: Update the ES, IT and FR translations, #609;
* CHANGED: Limit the version of the library woocommerce/action-scheduler to 3.7.0, until we can set WP 6.2 as the minimum version;
= [3.1.4] - 13 Dec, 2023 =
* ADDED: Taxonomy term field now supports adding a new term by typing a new value;
* ADDED: Add a button to toggle the calendar on the future action panels. Quick/Bulk edit are collapsed by default, #583;
* ADDED: Display the taxonomy name in the future action panels instead of showing "Taxonomy", #584;
* CHANGED: Refactor all the future action panels to use the same React components, fixing the inconsistency between the panels, #572;
* CHANGED: Removed external dependency of the React Select library, using now the WordPress internal library;
* CHANGED: In the Action field on Post Type settings, the taxonomy related actions are only displayed if the post type has any term registered;
* CHANGED: Change the order of fields in the future action panels, moving action and taxonomy at the beginning
* CHANGED: The method `ExpirationScheduler::schedule` now automatically converts the date to UTC before scheduling the action;
* CHANGED: The action `publishpressfuture_schedule_expiration` now receives the date in the local site timezone;
* CHANGED: Update the library woocommerce/action-scheduler from 3.6.4 to 3.7.0;
* CHANGED: Future action data stored in the args column on the table _ppfuture_action_args is now camelCase;
* CHANGED: Change the Database Schema check to verify and display multiple errors at once. The Fix Database should fix them all;
* DEPRECATED: Deprecate the calss `Walker_PostExpirator_Category_Checklist`;
* DEPRECATED: Deprecate the function `postexpirator_get_post_types`, moving the logic to the model `PostTypesModel`;
* FIXED: Fix plugin deactivation, #579;
* FIXED: Fix fatal error when clicking on "Post Types" tab in the settings when using PT-Br language, #567;
* FIXED: Stop hardcoding the DB engine when creating the table for action arguments, #565 [Thanks to @dave-p];
* FIXED: Simple quotes were not being removed from the future action date offset setting, #566;
* FIXED: Update Spanish, Franch and Italian translations, #551;
* FIXED: Improved data sanitization on the plugin, #571;
* FIXED: Fix consistency on data saved on post meta from different editors, quick-edit and bulk-edit. Specially related to the post meta "_expiration-date-options", #573;
* FIXED: Strange years value in the date selection, #568;
* FIXED: Fix the action "Remove selected term" for authors role, #550;
* FIXED: Fix the post type settings page not loading the saved settings after a page refresh triggered by the save button, #576;
* FIXED: Fix PHP warning: Creation of dynamic property $hooks in NoticeFacade.php, #580;
* FIXED: Fix call to undefined function ...ExpiratorAdaptersas_has_scheduled_action, #574
* FIXED: Fix PHP warning: Class ...ExpiratorModelsDefaultDataModel not found in ...legacy/deprecated.php, #582;
* FIXED: Update the X/Twitter icon on the footer of admin pages, #583;
* FIXED: Fix the use of custom taxonomies on the future action panels, #585;
* FIXED: Fix call to the method `manageUpgrade on ...CorePlugin;
* FIXED: Fix action for deleting posts without sending to trash, #593;
* FIXED: Fix action that sends a port to trash, to trigger the expected actions, #597;
* FIXED: Fix empty cells on Actions table when Pro plugin is uninstalled and Free is activated, #595;
* REMOVED: Internal function `postexpirator_add_footer` was removed, and the footer is now handled in the `ContentController` class;
* REMOVED: Internal function `postexpirator_get_footer_text` was removed;
= [3.1.3] - 09 Nov, 2023 =
* FIXED: Fix JS error Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘length’) on the block editor, #561;
= [3.1.2] - 07 Nov, 2023 =
* CHANGED: Update the library woocommerce/action-scheduler from 3.6.3 to 3.6.4;
* FIXED: Fix compatibility with WP 6.4 removing dependency of lodash, #555;
= [3.1.1] - 11 Oct, 2023 =
* ADDED: Add new bulk action for posts to update future action scheduler based on post's metadata, #538;
* DEPRECATED: Deprecate class PublishPressFutureCoreDIContainerNotInitializedException;
* DEPRECATED: Deprecate class PublishPressFutureCoreDIServiceProvider;
* DEPRECATED: Deprecate interface PublishPressFutureCoreDIServiceProviderInterface;
* FIXED: Fix compatibility with 3rd party plugins that import posts, #538;
* FIXED: Fix JS error when admin user has no permissions, #533 (Thanks to @raphaelheying);
* FIXED: Fix missed post link on the email notification, or actions log, when the post is deleted, #507;
* FIXED: Fix plugin activation hook not running on plugin activation, #539;
* REMOVED: Remove tooltip from the "Expires" column in the posts list, #511;
= [3.1.0] - 06 Sep, 2023 =
* CHANGED: Updated base plugin to 3.1.0;
* CHANGED: Change min PHP version to 7.2.5. If not compatible, the plugin will not execute;
* CHANGED: Change min WP version to 5.5. If not compatible, the plugin will not execute;
* CHANGED: Internal dependencies moved from `vendor` to `lib/vendor`, #522;
* CHANGED: Replaced Pimple library with a prefixed version of the library to avoid conflicts with other plugins, #522;
* CHANGED: Replaced Psr/Container library with a prefixed version of the library to avoid conflicts with other plugins, #522;
* CHANGED: Updated internal libraries to the latest versions;
* CHANGED: Changed the priority of the hook `plugins_loaded` on the main plugin file to 8, #522;
* CHANGED: Changed the priority of plugins_loaded callback from 12 to 8;
* CHANGED: Update `.pot` and `.mo` files;
* FIXED: Fix compatibility with Composer-based installations, using prefixed libraries, #522;
* FIXED: Update translations for IT, #524;
* FIXED: Fix some calls to the deprecated namespace `PublishPressFuture`, refactoring to the new namespace `PublishPressFuture`;
= [3.0.6] - 26 Jul 2023 =
* CHANGED: Updated base plugin to 3.0.6;
= [3.0.5] - 25 Jul 2023 =
* CHANGED: Updated base plugin to 3.0.5;
* FIXED: Updated .pot file, #493;
* FIXED: Updated translations for es_ES, fr_FR, it_IT, #493;
= [3.0.4] - 04 Jul 2023 =
* CHANGED: Updated base plugin to 3.0.4;
= [3.0.3] - 20 Jun 2023 =
* CHANGED: Updated base plugin to 3.0.3;
= [3.0.2] - 19 Jun 2023 =
* CHANGED: Updated base plugin to 3.0.2;
= [3.0.1] - 15 Jun 2023 =
* CHANGED: Updated base plugin to 3.0.1;
= [3.0.0] - 13 Jun 2023 =
* CHANGED: Updated base plugin to 3.0.0;
= [2.9.2] - 01 Mar 2023 =
* FIXED: List of actions in the post type settings is not filtered by post types, #400;
* FIXED: Include Statuses as a Default option, #395;
* FIXED: Remove legacy screenshots from the plugin root dir;
* FIXED: Fix i18n issues, #401;
* FIXED: Fix data sanitization and security issues in the log screen;
* FIXED: Fix PHP warning saying the method `WorkflowLogModel::countAll` returned NULL instead of an integer;
= [2.9.1] - 23 Feb 2023 =
* FIXED: Fix issue with WordPress banners css file being missed, #393;
* FIXED: Fix support to delete all settings when uninstalling the plugin;
* FIXED: Stop automatically adding settings register if not existent and settings page is visited;
= [2.9.0] - 14 Feb 2023 =
* ADDED: Add support for custom statuses, #224;
* ADDED: Add improved logs for past expiration dates, #233;