*** WooCommerce Chained Products Changelog ***
2024-03-21 - version 3.5.0
* New: WooCommerce 8.7.0 Compatible
* New: WooCommerce Cart/Checkout blocks Compatibility
* Update: Code improvements
* Update: POT file
2024-01-02 - version 3.4.0
* New: WooCommerce 8.4.0 Compatible
* Fix: Product price is not showing correctly on the category page, if Priced Individually is enabled for any of the chained items
* Developer: Filter 'wc_cp_admin_hide_chained_order_item' to hide the chained items in order edit page [Admin]
* Update: POT file
2023-11-30 - version 3.3.0
* New: WooCommerce 8.2.2 compatible
* New: WordPress 6.4.1 compatible
* Update: POT file
2023.11.03 - version 3.2.0
* New: WooCommerce 8.2.1 Compatible
* Fix: Unsupported operand types: string * int
* Fix: PHP fatal error that occurred when attempting to restore a trashed subscription containing chained items
* Update: Code improvements for the latest WordPress Coding Standards
* Update: POT file
2023.08.16 - version 3.1.0
* New: WordPress 6.3 compatible
* New: WooCommerce 8.0.2 compatible
* New: PHP 8.1 compatible
* Fix: Adding of order items not working if the item has some chained products when manually creating order
* Fix: 'Out of stock' notice not getting displayed for variations that do not have any linked chained 'out of stock' products
* Update: POT file
2023.07.26 - version 3.0.0
* New: Declare Chained Products compatible with High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)
* New: WordPress 6.2.2 compatible
* New: WooCommerce 7.1.1, 7.2.3, 7.3.0, 7.4.1, 7.5.1, 7.6.1, 7.7.2, 7.8.2, 7.9.0 compatible
* New: Notice for the back order availability
* New: Setting to remove the duplication of main product while manually creating an order
* Fix: Incorrect variable price display
* Fix: Stock managing for chained products
* Fix: Some incorrect placeholders for sprintf
* Fix: Shows PHP warning while undo the cart items after removal
* Fix: Main product displaying a price of zero when manually adding it as a chained product during manual order creation.
* Fix: WooCommerce cart count returns negative value
* Update: Optimize the page loading time
* Update: Chained Products lists rendering with ajax
* Update: Add plugin version to the register scripts and styles
* Update: Loading of the text domain with WordPress initialization
* Update: Documentation links
* Update: Code improvements
* Update: Removed 'woo-includes' directory
* Update: POT file
2022.11.09 - version 2.13.0
* New: WooCommerce 7.0.1 compatible
* New: WordPress 6.1.0 compatible
* New: Support for displaying appropriate messages for chained products on backorders
* Fix: PHP 8.1 Warning: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: string + float
* Fix: PHP 8.1 Warning: Required parameter $cart_item_data follows optional parameter $quantity
* Fix: PHP 8.1 Warning: Required parameter $total_chained_details follows optional parameter $total_chained_ids
* Update: POT file
2022.09.30 - version 2.12.0
* Update: Removed an unnecessary function
* Update: POT file
2021.11.10 - version 2.11.0
* New: Tested upto WooCommerce 5.9.0
* New: Tested upto WordPress 5.8.1
* Update: POT file
2021.08.13 - version 2.10.0
* New: WooCommerce 4.8.1, 4.9.3, 5.0.1, 5.1.1, 5.2.3, 5.3.1, 5.4.2, 5.5.1 compatible
* New: WordPress 5.8.0 compatible
* New: Function 'get_chained_parent_ids' to find parent products ids in which a product is linked as chained product
* Fix: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught WC_Data_Exception: Invalid tax class
* Fix: Yith WooCommerce Added to Cart Popup Premium not working on a chained product
* Update: Set stock status of chained parent based on stock status of its chained child
* Update: POT file
2020.11.27 - version 2.9.9
* New: WooCommerce 4.6.2, 4.7.1 compatible
* Developer: Filter 'chained_products_show_for_variable'
* Update: POT file
2020.10.03 - version 2.9.8
* New: WooCommerce 4.5.2 compatible
* Fix: Fatal error when updating existing orders with Chained Products
* Fix: Fatal error when editing variable products in admin
* Update: Check order instance before calling order functions
2020.09.01 - version 2.9.7
* New: WooCommerce 4.1.1, 4.2.2, 4.3.3, 4.4.1 compatible
* New: WordPress 5.5 compatible
* Fix: Warning: A non-numeric value encountered
* Update: Housekeeping doc link in settings
* Update: Minor update in admin
* Update: Remove support for WooCommerce 2.5 and WooCommerce 2.6
* Update: POT file
2020.03.25 - version 2.9.6
* New: WooCommerce 3.9.3 & 4.0.1 compatible
* Fix: CSS showing in admin emails [WooCommerce Subscriptions]
* Fix: Incorrect price on simple product page when Priced Individually is enabled
* Update: Do not show price range for Variable Products having same price when Priced Individually is enabled
* Update: Check product instance before calling product functions
* Update: Disable autoload for options
2019.11.19 - version 2.9.5
* New: WooCommerce 3.8.0 compatible
* Fix: Conflict with Avada theme
* Fix: Showing incorrect stock status of variations having chained products
* Fix: Incorrect text domain
* Update: Tested upto WordPress 5.3.0
* Update: Compatible with the latest WordPress Standard (v2.2.0)
* Update: POT file
2019.10.15 - version 2.9.4
* New: WooCommerce 3.7.1 compatible
* Fix: Chained Products shortcode not showing price when price='yes'
* Fix: Chained Products shortcode style='grid' throwing undefined offset error
* Fix: Chained Products CSS included on all pages on frontend
* Fix: PHP Warnings: A non-numeric value encountered
* Update: POT file
2019.07.15 - version 2.9.3
* New: Compatibility with WooCommerce Variation Swatches and Photos plugin
* Fix: Incorrect product link when updating chained variation products in existing orders
* Fix: Infinite loop when a chained variation child product is deleted
* Update: Disable add to cart button for variation product if chained product is out of stock (When 'Manage stock' is enabled)
* Update: Renamed 'Manage stock' help tip for better clarity
* Update: Welcome page
* Update: POT file
2019.06.11 - version 2.9.2
* Fix: Chained Product search not returning all search results (products) in some cases
* Fix: Welcome page CSS
* Update: Tested upto WordPress 5.2.1 and WooCommerce 3.6.4
* Update: POT file
2019.05.07 - version 2.9.1
* New: WooCommerce 3.6.2 compatible
* Fix: WooCommerce custom product types did not get chained as chained products in some cases
* Fix: Chained products fields not showing in admin when adding a new product in some cases
* Fix: Welcome page CSS added on all admin pages
* Update: Plugin action links
* Update: Welcome page
* Update: Admin notices
* Update: POT file
2019.03.07 - version 2.9.0
* New: Allow chained products to be set for all WooCommerce product types (https://woocommerce.com/document/chained-products/#section-20)
* Fix: Shortcode vanishing from the editor on publish/update of product
* Fix: Sometimes quantity not updated correctly in existing orders
* Update: Always show insert shortcode notice on product add/edit page
* Update: Tested with WordPress 5.1 and latest WooCommerce
* Update: Plugin action links
* Update: Welcome page
* Update: POT file
2019.01.22 - version 2.8.4
* Fix: Coupon not discounting on Priced Individually Chained Products
* Update: Tested with PHP 7.3 and latest WooCommerce
* Update: Welcome page
* Update: POT file
2018.11.14 - version 2.8.3
* Fix: Bundle price set to zero on cart page (Compatibility issue with WooCommerce Product Bundles)
* Fix: Price always displayed with tax on cart page for product having chained items
* Fix: Don't allow adding a product addon for chained item (Compatibility issue with WooCommerce Product Add-ons) IS#25
2018.06.11 - version 2.8.2
* New: WooCommerce 3.5.0+ compatible
* Fix: Fatal error "Call to a member function get_id() on boolean"
2018.10.22 - version 2.8.1
* Fix: PHP Notice: Undefined variable: override_total
* Update: POT file
2018.10.15 - version 2.8.0
* New: Feature to allow chained item to be priced individually (For WooCommerce 3.0.0+)
* Update: Welcome page
* Update: POT file
2018.09.12 - version 2.7.0
* New: WordPress Coding Standards
* New: Settings page for chained products
* Fix: Compatibility issue with WooCommerce version < 3.0
* Update: Doc and help links
* Update: POT file
2018.07.02 - version 2.6.2
* New: WooCommerce 3.4 compatible
* Fix: Chained item showing on-sale tag on shop/product page when the same chained item is present in cart
* Fix: Deprecation notice on purchase of a subscription product
2018.05.21 - version 2.6.1
* New: WooCommerce 3.3 compatible
* Fix: Shortcode vanishing from the editor on publish/update of variable product
* Fix: Do not accept coupon for on-sale products with chained items when 'Exclude sale items' option is checked
* Fix: Notice not being displayed when chained items are out of stock and 'Manage Stock?' option is checked
* Fix: Error notice when product with chained item is removed from cart (for WooCommerce 3.2+)
* Update: POT file
2018.02.01 - version 2.6.0
* New: WooCommerce 3.2 compatible
* Fix: Too many redirect issue on multi-site setup
* Fix: Fatal error when pulling products having chained item using REST API
* Fix: Show notice on product page when chained item is out of stock
* Fix: Select2 search issue with variable product
* Fix: Incorrect order total when creating order from back-end
* Fix: Old chained item not getting removed while switching subscription
2017.10.09 - version 2.5.7
* Fix: Allow adding chained products to cart if back ordering is allowed
* Fix: Price not set to zero for chained variable product while manually creating order from backend
* Update: POT file
2017.09.06 - version 2.5.6
* Fix: Select2 restricting selection of parent product in select2 of other plugins.
* Update: Suppress 'Error Loading' message while searching for a product
2017.07.26 - version 2.5.5
* Fix: Don't allow chaining a variation to itself
* Fix: Chaining issue on order received page
2017.07.24 - version 2.5.4
* Fix: Compatibility issue with WooCommerce version lower than 3.0
2017.07.10 - version 2.5.3
* Fix: Fatal error on subscription renewal with WooCommerce Subscriptions - v2.2.8
2017.06.22- version 2.5.2
* Fix: WooCommerce Bookings emails not being send when Chained Products is active
2017.05.11- version 2.5.1
* Fix: Search for variable products returning parent variable product
* Fix: Mini Cart count count sets to zero when 'sa_cp_show_chained_items' filter was used
* Fix: Compatibility notices and warnings when 'sa_show_chained_item_price' is set to yes
2017.04.07 - version 2.5
* New: WooCommerce 3.0 compatible
* New: WooCommerce Subscriptions 2.2.0 compatible
* Fix: UI issue on order screen for WooCommerce less than 3.0
* Fix: When hide out of stock items in checked then the parent product should hide too if chained product is out of stock.
* Fix: Take backorders into consideration for chained products
* Update: Class structure for frontend code
* Update: Will now support only WooCommmerce 2.5+
* Update: POT file
2016.11.10 - version 2.4.4
* Fix: Mini Cart count not getting updated when 'sa_cp_show_chained_items' filter was used
* Fix: Incorrect stock count for variable product
* Fix: Variable product title not getting parsed correctly when used with different language
* Update: Textdomain correction
* Update: POT file
2016.09.19 - version 2.4.3
* Fix: Chained child items getting added twice, after clicking Pay button from Order
2016.06.20 - version 2.4.2
* New: Tested upto WooCommerce 2.6+
* Fix: Housekeeping feature not working for variable products with chained items
* Update: POT file
2016.05.12 - version 2.4.1
* Fix: Updating chained grouped products quantities in cart, which lead to removal of chained products from cart
* Fix: Removal of some warnings related to database queries
2016.04.27 - version 2.4
* New: Housekeeping feature for chained products
* Fix: Showing parent product in search result for chained item, which may lead to infinite chain of products
* Fix: Total products count in cart when chained item's visibility is set to hidden
* Fix: Product titles getting stripped incorrectly when a product having chained item is a part of grouped product
* Update: Added filter to modify Chained Products storewide settings
* Update: Total chained products quantities on product edit page
2016.04.14 - version 2.3.9
* Fix: 'continue' is not used inside loop
2016.01.21 - version 2.3.8
* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 2.5
* Fix: Chained products fields visible for variable products under Linked products tab
* Fix: CSS of Chained Products field under variable products
* Update: Modified content on Welcome Page
* Update: POT file
2015.12.29 - version 2.3.7
* New: Support for 'Mix & Match Product'
* New: Support for 'Composite Product'
* New: Support for 'Product Bundle'
* Fix: 'Total' column in cart & order, showing wrong price for chained item as per their quantity
* Update: Improved method for adding chained products to cart (Thanks to: Kathy)
* Update: Strikethrough chained item's original price in cart & order
2015.10.21 - version 2.3.6
* Fix: PHP notice 'Undefined variable: chained_parent_id...' (Thanks to: Goncalo Salgado)
2015.10.06 - version 2.3.5
* Tweak: Use of filter 'woocommerce_add_cart_item_data' before adding chained item to cart
2015.09.21 - version 2.3.4
* Fix: Warnings on Simple product page
* Fix: Show 'out of stock' for all variations if any one of the chained products associated with any one variation is out of stock
2015.09.09 - version 2.3.3
* Fix: Shortcode not showing chained items for variable products
* Update: On product edit page, add chained products field above existing field instead of below
* Update: Replaced loader image that is shown before loading chained items on variable product page
* Tweak: Minor CSS change for Welcome page & Chained Products select field on product edit page
2015.08.31 - version 2.3.2
* Fix: Duplicate 'Add to cart' button in loop
2015.08.13 - version 2.3.1
* Fix: 'Update chained products in existing orders' not working for products which didn't had any chained products previously
2015.08.08 - version 2.3
* New: WooCommerce 2.4 ready
* New: Text domain 'woocommerce-chained-products' & language loader
* New: POT file
* New: Compatibility with WooCommerce Product Bundle
* New: Compatibility with WooCommerce Give Products
* New: Option to show/hide chained item's price
* New: Option to show/hide chained items in cart, cart widget, checkout & order
* New: Filter to add custom CSS class for chained items displayed on store
* New: Added support for custom CSS class in chained products shortcode
* New: Function to find whether a product has chained products associated with it
* New: Welcome page
* Update: Add indentation for chained items
* Fix: 'Update chained products in existing orders' not working
* Fix: Chained item's price is not zero when added from order admin page
* Fix: Chained item's quantity is always 1
* Fix: Chained item not getting deleted after removing the main product
2015.06.13 - version 2.2.4
* Fix: Showing errors when adding chained products from order admin page
2015.04.21 - version 2.2.3
* Fix: Adding chained products not working in some cases for already created products
* Fix: Select2 placeholder for chained products not displaying properly
* Update: Icons for add & remove chained products
2015.03.17 - version 2.2.2
* Fix: Chained products 'Add Product' not working due to 'wc_select_params' not defined
* Fix: Chained products fatal error when using 'Add Product' in some cases
* Fix: Chained products not displaying for variations on click of 'Expand All'
2015.02.19 - version 2.2.1
* Fix: Fixes related to chained products not displaying for variations
2015.02.10 - version 2.2
* Update: WooCommerce 2.3 Compatibility
2014.09.12 - version 2.1
* Update: WooCommerce 2.2 Compatibility
* Update: Docblocks & code cleanup
2014.06.06 - version 2.0.3
* Fix: "Update existing orders?" feature compatible with 2.1+
2014.04.04 - version 2.0.2
* Fix: Chained products duplicate on re-orders from My Account page
2014.02.14 - version 2.0.1
* Fix: Chained products settings layout issue for variable products
* Fix: Prevent unrequired ajax call for the variale products having no variations with chained products
2014.01.23 - version 2.0
* Update: WooCommerce 2.1 compatibility
* Update: Minor fixes related to PHP warnings.
2014.01.08 - version 1.5.1
* Fix: Minor fix related to updating chained product detail for variation
2013.12.05 - version 1.5
* Fix: Conflict with Recommendation Engine plugin on variable product shop page
* Update: Admin referer for searching product & only variations
* Update: Ordering chained products on shop pages using default WooCommerce catalog order
2013.11.15 - version 1.4
* New: Option to update existing order on addition / removal of chained products (only for downloadable and virtual products)
* Update: Modification in admin UI
* Update: Improvements in stock checking of chained products
2013.09.22 - version
* Fix: Product variation's price not showing in IE10
2013.08.08 - version
* Fix: 'is_in_stock' is a function
2013.08.05 - version
* Fix: Prevent purchase of main product for the out of stock chained product(s)
2013.07.30 - version
* New: Compatibility with 'WooCommerce Variation Swatches and Photos' plugin
* Fix: Notice on product page
2013.06.24 - version 1.3.8
* New: Added shortcode [chained_products] to display chained products on product page
2013.05.02 - version
* Fix: Unnecessary tag causing misplacement of div elements in product writepanel for simple products
* Update: Converted all front end javascript to inline javascript using 'add_inline_js' of WC object
2013.04.20 - version
* Fix: Unnecessary tag causing misplacement of div elements in product writepanel
2013.03.26 - version
* Fix: Manual addition of order item in Order from admin panel was not working & was giving output as -1
* Update: Localization & compatibility with 'Codestyling Localization' plugin from Wordpress
2013.03.19 - version
* Fix: Removed use of 'goto' operator which was creating syntax error
* Fix: Set 'Included Products' tab priority to 1 for making it default opened tab on Product Shop page
2013.03.01 - version
* Fix: Removed Chained Products fields from 'Related Products' tab if the product is 'variable'
* Fix: Set 'Included Products' tab priority to 30 to make it as default selected tab on product shop page
* Fix: Minor fixes related to jQuery & other performance improvements
2013.02.21 - version 1.3.7
* Fix: Addition of Chained Products getting stuck due to loop in nesting of chained items
* Fix: Product variation's link on Product Page
2013.02.18 - version 1.3.6
* Fix: Product variation's link on Product Page & in Cart
* Update: Minor changes for code reduction
2013.01.28 - version 1.3.5
* Update: Compatibility version for both WooCommerce 1.6.6 and 2.0
* Update: Allowed nesting of chained items to reuse existing combo/bundles
2013.01.18 - version 1.3.4
* Fix: Showing 'Add to cart' button even when chained item is 'Out of Stock'
2013.01.11 - version 1.3.3
* Fix: Better compat for variation product
2013.01.01 - version 1.3.2
* Fix: An issue with adding a chained product to cart by non-logged in user
2012.12.04 - version 1.3.1
* New updater
2012.10.25 - version 1.3
* Chained products can now be added to products variations too
* Can control quantities of chained products (Quantity Bundle)
* Fix: Chained Products getting added twice when chained products are added to the cart separately
* Fix: Chained and Bundled products plugins compatibility issue
2012.08.29 - version 1.2
* Products of any visibility type can be chained now - Catalog/Search/Hidden
* Fixed chained products getting lost on product auto save
* Subscriptions can chain other products, but can't be chained to other products
2012.07.05 - version 1.1
* Chained products can be added to Variable products also
* Chained products now show as separate
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 1.6+
* Products with "search" visibility too will be included in chained products (but not hidden products)
* Overall code improvements
2012.04.20 - version 1.0
* First release
tarikakgul97 –
If you are trying for product which will combine a few high value, relevant products together and sell them at a big discount, pick this!
mario_nonevski –
If you want to create a chained product bundle of high profit items and show them on the My Account page with the chained product shortcode….
jani.simon –
You can create a graphic for the bundle and show it prominently and aldo “Consider upgrading to the bundle / higher plan” tactic…good!!
emakocov –
So many excellent features like that Increasing Perceived Value with multi product bundles, creating unmissable bargains with higher quantities etc etc