*** WooCommerce Wishlist Changelog ***
2024.11.23 - version 2.3.4
* Update - WP and WC Compatibility Tags.
* Fix: Fix in the admin when counting the number of products in a list. Prevents an error if the wishlist data is empty.
2024.10.12 - version 2.3.3
* Update - WP and WC Compatibility Tags.
* Fix: Fix unbinding the wp_login event when users disable list transferring.
2024.06.22 - version 2.3.2
* Fix: Fix issue where Gravity Forms Product Addon forms were not added to lists when used on variable products.
* Fix: Since we now perform additional add_to_cart_validation from Gravity Forms we needed to ensure we are correctly passing the variation_id to the add_to_cart_validation filter.
2024.02.27 - version 2.3.1
* Update: WC and WP Updates.
* Update: PHP 8.2+ compatibility.
* New: Added a Clone option on the Wishlist admin screen. This will create a new list with the same items as the original list.
2023.12.05 - version 2.3.0
* Update: WC and WP Updates.
* Update: Filter the list of items on the view a list and edit list pages for published products only.
* Fix: Always render the list button on composite products regardless of stock status.
* New: Added shortcode to display a link to add the item to a users default list. [wc_wishlists_add_link product_id= /]
If product_id is not passed, the current product in the loop or in the global $product will be used.
You can pass a list id, or the default list will be used.
You can also pass a title, or use the product title by passing title="product_title"
* New: Added the concept of default lists. Future updates will allow user to select a default list from the My Account page.
* New: Use a quantity input on the view a list page. That way when someone wants to add a specific quantity of an item they can.
2023.04.01 - version 2.2.10
* Update: WC and WP Updates.
* Fix: Fix issue where the wishlist button was not showing on the single product page for out of stock bundled products.
* Fix: Fix issue with WooCommerce Blocks in the admin area.
2023.03.08 - version 2.2.9
* Update: Only perform validation when moving from a list to the cart via the woocommerce_add_to_wishlist_validation filter.
* Update: Add additional content to the wishlist share email.
* Update: Add {wishlist_url} to the wishlist share email.
* Update: Add {wishlist_email} to the wishlist share email.
* Compatibility: Add compatibility with HPOS.
* Security: Updated reflected text in templates and emails to be escaped.
2022.12.20 - version 2.2.8
* Update: Correct spelling of filter, wc_wishlists_udpate_list_args
* Update: Added woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation before an item is added to the cart.
* Update: Added check for Google trying to follow the add to wishlist link.
* Update: If for some reason an invalid product ID is passed to the wishlist handler, it will now just ignore it.
* Update: Remove old WC extension update functions.
* Fix: Send the product URL through the woocommerce_get_product_permalink filter in the view template.
2022.04.20 - version 2.2.7
* Fix: Check if the product is available before calling methods on it. Fixes issues with Divi incorrectly causing WooCommerce actions to fire on non product pages.
* Update: If the filtered template hook is empty do not add the wishlist form.
* Update: Use $_REQUEST when editing the list for checking for the list id.
2022.01.08 - version 2.2.6
* Check product exists before attempting to call functions on it.
* Update: WC and WP Updates.
* Fix: Change the $.fn.modal to $.fn.wl_modal so it does not conflict with other jquery modal plugins.
2021.07.14 - version 2.2.5
* Fix: Check product has an availability object before attempting to use.
* Update: WC and WP Updates.
2021.02.12 - version 2.2.4
* Fix: Fix deprecated add_to_cart_message notice.
* Fix: Only move the first found Wishlist button inside of a bundle or composite container.
* Update: Be sure to call the woocommerce_add_to_cart_product_id filter when adding products in the default case. Helps with Product Bundles.
* Update: WC and WP version compatibility tags.
* Update: Compatibility with WC 4.9 email templates.
* Update: Compatibility with Product Bundles – Variation Bundles
* Update: Check session object exists before attempting to use.
2020.11.27 - version 2.2.3
* Update: Add data-title attributes to some additional columns on the list templates.
* Update: Add wc_wishlists_create_list_args filter on the create list page, so that when used the UI matches any modified defaults.
* Update: Added filters to modify the share via twitter and share via facebook message. Filters are passed the message, the wishlist object, and is_users_list
* Update: Add the Add all to cart button to the wishlist edit template.
2020.08.26 - version 2.2.2 .
* Fix: Fix warning on settings screen about missing tab information.
2020.08.18 - version 2.2.1
* Fix: Fix cookie check issue for logged on users.
* Update: Translation for New Low Price For string.
* Update: Update wishlist share email to remove duplicated message.
* Update: Added filter to allow renaming the Wishlists label from the My Account section. woocommerce_wishlists_account_menu_label
* Update: Added filter, woocommerce_wishlist_already_in_list_text.
* Update: Always use the woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_button for variable products, not woocommerce_single_variation.
* Update: Update the email template to remove the duplicated strings.
* Update: Remove deprecated call to woocommerce_price.
2020.05.07 - version 2.2.0
* New: Add WP_CLI command for sending price reduction emails. wp wishlists send_notifications [--resend]
* New: Add filters in the wishlist templates to disable Public, Shared, or Private Lists. Use with wc_wishlists_create_list_args to set a default if it's not Private.
* Fix: Fix external add to cart button URL on via a list page.
* Update: Only set transients for a users lists after they have added at least item to at least one list.
* Update: WC and WP version compatibility tags.
2020.02.25 - version 2.1.17
* Fix: Fix previous release date.
2020.02.20 version 2.1.16
* New: Added wc_wishlists_button shortcode for use with page builders. Note, the button must be placed inside of the WC form element.
* Update: Properly include From Name in the share via list email.
2019.11.27 - version 2.1.15
* Update: Change asset enqueue to use asset version string.
* Update: Add filter to disable the storing of wishlist transients.
* Update: Update the viewing metabox to include variable product information.
* Update: Add wishlistid as the second parameter to the message filters.
* Update: Added woocommerce_wishlist_wishlist_ready_to_move_message and woocommerce_wishlist_wishlist_ready_to_move_cancel_url filters.
* Update: Minify CSS, move script loading to footer.
* Fix: Fix issue where products sold individually could not be added to the cart from a list.
2019.02.28 - version 2.1.14
* Update: Include support for Variable Subscription products.
* Update: Check if composite product and if so, check for multiple bundled products.
* Update: Fix edit template to include the checkbox
* Update: Allow filtering of default Wishlist arguments.
* Update: Assign temporary lists to a user if they logon to an existing account.
* Update: Remove extra trailing ?> from the share a list email template.
* Update: Clear wishlist cache when users logon.
* Update: Add wc_wishlists_transient_timeout filter to control how long the users lists are cached.
* Fix: Fix the color pickers for the wishlist button and button text in the admin settings area.
2019.01.02 - version 2.1.13
* Update: Update styles for better support for StoreFront and responsive tables.
* Fix: Pass 4th parameter to the woocommerce_add_cart_item_data filter.
* Update: Disable Gutenberg editor on the Wishlists admin screen.
2018.10.23 - version 2.1.12
* Update: Include new filter: woocommerce_wishlist_posts_order : default ASC
* Update: Include new filter: woocommerce_wishlist_posts_order_by : default post_title
* Update: Don't enqueue the facebook connect graph API if Facebook is disabled.
* Update: Update Tweet Share Link for /intent/tweet API.
* Update: Include new filter, woocommerce_validate_wishlist_create, to allow developers to override Wishlist creation validation.
Useful if you would like to require first name, last name or email.
* Update: Tested to WC 3.5
2018.09.11 - version 2.1.11
* Fix: Don't instantiate a cart when editing a list from the Dashbaord.
* Fix: Fix issue where changes made in dashboard to lists were not saved properly.
* Fix: Double check for the customer-logout menu before attempting to adjust the my account menu.
* Update: Exclude lists from search so shared lists don't show up.
2018.07.18 - version 2.1.10
* Update: Store users lists in a transient for 24 hours to reduce an expensive query on each page load.
* WP and WC version updates.
* Update: Improve memory performance of wishlist price change email notifications.
2018.06.20 - version 2.1.9
* Fix: Correct prompt label for the add to cart prompt from wishlists.
* Update: Add version to scripts and styles for cache busting.
2018.06.14 - version 2.1.8
* Fix: Remove incorrect escaping in share email template.
* Fix: Fix wishlist cookie name in wishlist user. Was causing the auto list creation not to work.
2018.06.07 - version 2.1.7
* Fix: Fix formatting issue in price change emails.
* Fix: Ensure sale prices are collected without tax in price change emails.
* Update: No indexing on add to cart links from the wishlist pages.
2018.05.23 - version 2.1.6
* Update: Cache users lists to prevent duplicate queries.
* Fix: Fix issue where creating new users would assign the administrators lists to that user.
2018.05.08 - version 2.1.5
* Update: Send price reduction notifications if an item goes on sale.
* Fix: Fix issue where Wishlists was responding to actions from Duplicate Post plugin. Extension now fully supports Duplicate Posts plugin
* Fix: Fix an issue with PHP 7.1+
* Update: Add header("X-Robots-Tag: noindex, nofollow", true) to the wishlist processing endpoint.
* Update: Add some product checks before attempting to add an item to the list.
* Update: Include a read-only endpoint for Wishlists and Wishlist Items.
* New: Include wc_wishlists_max_user_list_count filter to allow control over how many lists a user can create.
2018.03.08 - version 2.1.4
* Update: Enable order tracking for list items.
* Update: Update View a List page to include Previously Ordered Count.
* Update: Update Edit a List page to include Previously Ordered Count.
* Update: Update Edit a List page to allow editing of Previously Ordered Count.
* Update: Update WooCommerce -> Wishlists -> Settings to include a toggle for displaying the previously ordered total
* Update: Validate post_type is wishlist before updating or creating a list. Prevents update_list from being called incorrectly.
* Note: Order item tracking is enabled in this version, so previous orders will not be present.
* New: Email templates for Wishlist Email verification. WooCommerce -> Settings -> Emails for template options
* Fix: Fix issue with adding grouped products to a list when not selecting quantities for all the grouped items.
2017.01.10 - version 2.1.3
* Update: Change FB share link so it works properly on mobile browsers.
* Fix: Fix warning when clicking Add All to Cart.
* Update: Correct grammar in the share via email message body.
* Update: WC Tested to 3.2.6
2017.12.16 - version 2.1.2
* Update: Add shop_table_responsive to the wishlist tables so it will match the WooCommerce cart formatting on mobile.
2017.10.24 - version 2.1.1
* Fix: Correct issue where variable products were being added to lists without customer selecting any attributes.
* Fix: Correct text domain loading and use in a couple spots. The correct text domain is wc_wishlist
* Fix: Correct "Continue Shopping →" text domain, since WooCommerce core uses "Continue Shopping"
2017.10.16 - version 2.1.0
* Update: Add .pot file by default so users don't have to generate their own to translate.
* Update: Added the ability to prompt users for a quantity when adding an item from a list to the cart.
* Update: Use the value entered in the quantity box when editing a list and clicking Add to Cart.
* Note: To enable, update your wishlist settings from WooCommerce -> Settings -> Wishlist, and set the Prompt for Quantities option.
* Update: Add option to remove items from other lists. Useful if using lists as a registry and you want to remove the items when someone purchases from someone else's list.
* Update: WC 3.2x updates.
* Update: Add ability to cancel message "You have x items ready to move to a new list". Will clear out the session value so the user is not forced to create a list / add it.
2017.09.28 - version 2.0.15
* Fix: If the wishlist cookie is set and the user id does not match the cookie, reset the cookie.
* Fix: Correct typo in edit-my-list.php template when printing the external product URL.
* Update: Add 'woocommerce_wishlist_user_can_purcahse' filter to external products when viewed in a list.
2017.09.26 - version 2.0.14
* Fix: Update the automatic Wishlist removal for WC 3.0. When an item is added from a
list to the cart and then the order is processed the item is adjusted on the list properly.
2017.09.19 - version 2.0.13
* Fix: Remove code from woocommerce-wishlists.js which is no longer needed.
Was causing issues when plugins or themes called show_variation manually without the proper arguments.
2017.09.11 - version 2.0.12
* Fix: Fix issue with nonce verification when performing bulk actions in the admin.
2017.09.04 - version 2.0.11
* Fix: Fix deprecation warning on the my-lists.php page.
* Update: Add new filter to disable Add to Cart on wishlist pages.
apply_filters('woocommerce_wishlist_purchases_enabled', true);
2017.08.18 - version 2.0.10
* Fix: Force removal of wishlist cookie on logout to fix issue with User Switching Plugin.
* Update: Update the add to wishlist grouped product handler to resolve issue with not selecting all quantities.
* Update: Check for the function wc_print_notices, since it seems WPML is causing it to be called when it's not loaded yet.
2017.07.26 - version 2.0.9
* Fix: Fix compatibility with Catalog Visibility Options when purchases are disabled and adding a variable product to a list.
* Update: Include checking for the User Switching plugin. When switching a user do not update the wishlist owner.
2017.07.11 - version 2.0.8
* Fix: Update nonce verification code.
2017.06.14 - version 2.0.7
* Fix: Remove list_item['data'] from list before saving to post_meta
2017.05.31 - version 2.0.6
* Fix: Fix issue where price reduction emails would not be sent.
2017.05.09 - version 2.0.5
* Fix: Fix issue where Gravity Forms and Product Addons extension prices were not being included on the Wishlist Price.
2017.04.22 - version 2.0.4
* Fix: Fix fatal error on WC 3.0.4
2017.04.21 - version 2.0.3
* Fix: Fix missing function wc_get_price_including_tax when using WC < 3.0
2017.04.10 - version 2.0.2
* Update: Add rel="nofollow" to all wishlist links.
2017.04.01 - version 2.0.1
* Update: Fix issue with lists created with pre-release versions of WC 3.0 causing fatal unserialize errors due to the data store having been serialized improperly.
2017.03.04 - version 2.0.0
* Update: WC 2.7 Ready
* Update: Better styling for the admin interface when reviewing a list.
* Update: When lists are marked private from the WordPress dashboard, check the current users read capabilities.
* Update: More sanitization on user input
2016.12.02 - version 1.11.3
* Update: Include support for Deposits. Products added to a list with a deposit configuration can then be added to the cart with the same configuration.
2016.11.29 - version 1.11.2
* Fix: Correctly assign the user to a automatically created list when a user is logged on and does not yet have any wish lists. Ref: #25
* Fix: Fix incorrect variable name $wishlist to $wishlist_id in API functions. Ref: #22
* Fix: Fix share via email button when lists rendered on the My Account page. Ref: #24
2016.06.15 - version 1.11.1
* Fix: Correct issue where the Add to Wishlist Button is hidden.
2016.04.29 - version 1.11.0
* Note: Compatible against WC 2.6
* Update: Update to allow validation to pass even when catalog visibility has disabled it.
* Update: Use new catalog visibility options action to render the buttons in the correct location for variable products.
* Update: We no longer need to move the wishlist button via javascript to be inside the variation form.
* Fix: Prevent duplicate notices from being added via wc_add_notice for session items when viewing pages which do not call wc_print_notices.
2016.04.14 - version 1.10.5
* Fix: Only set the wc_wishlist_user cookie when an item is added to a list or when a new list is created.
* Fix: Fix warning about unknown variable when creating a new list.
* Update: WP 4.5 updates for get_currentuser
2016.04.13 - version 1.10.4
* Fix: Correct issue where multiple add to wishlist buttons present when using variable products with the product_page shortcode.
* Update: Add message and redirect upon verification of users Wishlist email.
* Update: Updated ReadMe to reference correct plugin
* Update: Fixes spelling error in the settings panel.
* Update: Fixes not translatable default 'Add to wishlist' label
2016.03.31 - version 1.10.3
* Fix: Correct issue with registration returning a blank page when registering for an account on the my account page.
2016.03.02 - version 1.10.2
* New: Added support for Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) by BestWebSoft.
2016.01.27 - version 1.10.1
* Fix: Correct reference to $post->id in post_link filter.
* Update: Adds "Registration Required" to the "Allow Guest to Create Lists" option. This will allow guests to see and use the "Add to Wishlist" button,
but if Registration Required is selected they will be redirected to the Logon / Register form before they can actually add the item to a list.
2015.12.16 - version 1.10.0
* WC 2.5 Updates:
WC 2.5 no longer hides the variation add to cart button.
Add javascript to enable / disable the add to wishlist button when a valid variation has not been selected.
2015.11.30 - version 1.9.6
* Update: Remove the bulk add to cart options if Catalog Visibility extension is active. This prevents users from adding products to the cart
which are not actually purchasable by that user.
2015.09.15 - version 1.9.5
* Update: Redirect back to the product after creating a list if the redirect to wishlist setting is false.
2015.09.15 - version 1.9.4
* Fix: Correct problem introduced in 1.9.2 when the cart_item['data'] was removed. This update
adds the [data] back on the item to allow extensions such as Product Addons to work properly.
The data is removed from the wishlist_item before being saved to the DB.
2015.09.02 - version 1.9.3
* Update: Remove default view button and permalink div from the WordPress dashboard when working with Wishlists.
A custom meta box on the top of the sidebar allows for viewing or previewing the list.
* Update: Set the View url to the proper location.
2015.08.25 - version 1.9.2
* Update: Don't store serialized product data with the wishlist items.
* Update: Remove add to wishlist button in WP 4.3+
2015.07.30 - version 1.9.1
* New: Adds a Update Quantities and Add to Cart option for bulk actions when working with your own lists.
2015.07.13 - version 1.9.0
* WooCommerce 2.4.x compatibility.
* New Feature: Provide a setting to disable automatic creation of lists. The default is to allow Wishlists to automatically generate
a list for a user when they click add to wishlist and have not already created one. The new option "Automatically Create Lists"
can be used to toggle this behavior.
* New Feature: Added email validation for emails on lists. Validation required for guest lists or for lists by users who enter an email
Which is different from their registered email. Validation will only occur on lists created after version 2.9.0
2015.07.06 - version 1.8.5
* Update: Correct double period typo in autogenerated message.
2015.06.26 - version 1.8.4
* Update: Correctly link wishlists from guests when they register a for a new account.
2015.06.17 - version 1.8.3
* Fix: Fix incorrectly escaped URLs from the 1.7.3 update.
2015.06.08 - version 1.8.2
* Update: Add filter to allow showing lists before or after the recent orders section on the My Account page.
woocommerce_wishlists_account_location: Return either 'before' or 'after' from this filter. Default 'after'
2015.06.02 - version 1.8.1
* Update: Remove wishlists_recently_modified session handling code, since it was just adding overhead in the database and not being used in the
user interface.
* Update: Add display:none; to the wishlist modal on load, rather than relying on javascript to hide it. Prevents problems with sites with many scripts
showing the modal for a brief flash
2015.05.01 - version 1.8.0
* Feature:
- Added price reduction notifications. When an item on a users wishlist is reduced in price an email notification will be sent alerting them of the change.
- Notifications can be disabled globally from the administration section of WooCommerce or by users on their individual lists.
- Notifications are disabled for a site by default. Change this option from WooCommerce -> Settings -> Wishlists -> Notifications section.
* Feature:
- Added ability to assign or re-assign a user to a list from the Wishlist posts screen. WooCommerce -> Wishlists -> Edit List -> Name and Information Meta Box
- You can use this feature to create a list from the site and then assign a specific user from your customer base.
* Update: Remove Add Wishlist button from the WordPress dashboard since this isn't a supported operation.
* Update: Simplify the cookie handling code.
* Update: Fix a compatibility issue with the Storefront CSS. Storefront was overriding the selected Wishlist button image.
2015.04.28 - version 1.7.4
* Remove all references to WooCommerce session in the shortcodes, since the wishlist key is stored in a unique cookie.
2015.04.21 - version 1.7.3
* Fix - Potential XSS with add_query_arg
2015.04.03 - version 1.7.2
* Fix: Set required attributed on the name field for a wishlist and check it's set before creating the list.
2015.03.24 - version 1.7.1
* Fix: Remove the add to cart action properly in WC 2.3x
2015.03.16 - version 1.7.0
* Update: Added a new filter for setting the cookie duration. wc_wishlists_cookie_duration
* Update: Changed the .modal class used to .wl-modal to prevent conflicts with themes using Bootstrap
2015.02.10 - version 1.6.9
* Only start the WooCommerce session when a list is created or when any of the wishlist shortcodes are activated.
2015.02.06 - version 1.6.8
* Added wishlist id to the add_to_wishlist_redirect_url filter.
2015.02.04 - version 1.6.7
* Update admin wishlist search to include title and content.
* Fix: Do not automatically remove items from a list unless selected in WooCommerce -> Wishlist settings
2015.01.28 - version 1.6.6
* Update to correct problem showing post updated status in the admin.
2015.01.15 - version 1.6.5
* Update for Product Bundles to correctly place the add to wishlist buttons.
* Update for Product Bundles to correctly submit the item to the wishlist.
2014.12.17 - version 1.6.4
* Update: Force WooCommerce to actually start a customer session when the site loads.
2014.12.09 - version 1.6.3
* Update: Update support for the latest version of composite products. Some of the class names in the template files changed and the
wishlist javascript needed to be updated to account for this.
2014.12.04 - version 1.6.2
* Automatically create a list without requiring the user to enter a the list details.
2014.12.01 - version 1.6.1
* Fixes problems with receiving 404 errors after adding an item to a list.
2014.11.24 - version 1.6.0
* Added support for WooCommerce Quick View
* Fixed issue with automatically removing items from a list once certain processing status had been met.
2014.11.17 - version 1.5.4
* Disable purchases from lists when catalog visibility does not allow it by adding the woocommerce_wishlist_user_can_purcahse filter
check before adding items to the cart.
2014.11.05 - version 1.5.3
* Added full name search in admin wishlist search, will split a full name and search on the fields for each term.
* Update WHERE filter in admin search to prevent the global wp_query object from being overwritten.
* Correct filter logic in Admin Dashbaord.
* 4.0 deprecated function removal, escape_like
2014.10.31 - version 1.5.2
* Remove quantity inputs from external products.
2014.10.30 - version 1.5.1
* Added checks around search modification code to make sure the filter was called correctly.
* Additional compatibility for catalog visibility options.
2014.08.13 - version 1.5.0
* 2.2x compatibility
2014.07.22 - version 1.4.9
* Added support for external / affiliate products
* Fixed issue where items where not being sent to a new list when clicking on the "New List" button
* Modified session uses to use the WC session classes
2014.05.28 - version 1.4.8
* Added logic to disallow the adding items to the cart when items are sold individually and are already in the cart.
* Changed the registration order of the taxonomy to be earlier than the API handler.
2014.05.12 - version 1.4.7
* Updated search logic to use LIKE operators for better matching.
2014.04.20 - version 1.4.6
* Added filter which controls the number of items shown per page.
$items_per_page: The number of lists to display per page.
2014.04.02 - version 1.4.5
* Added filters to the wishlist display templates to allow additional filtering of the item title, price and quantity selectors.
$price: The price to be displayed.
$item: The wishlist item
$wishlist: The wishlist
$quantity: The quantity of the item in the wishlist.
$item: The wishlist item
$wishlist: The wishlist
* Added action, woocommerce_wishlist_after_list_item_name, after the Wishlist item name.
$item: The wishlist item. Same data as a $cart_item would contain.
$wishlist: The wishlist the item is in.
* Update for Composite Products and Variable Components.
* Update for Composite Products - Added actions and filters to the Wishlist admin section.
2014.03.27 - version 1.4.4
* Fix: Only add nonce validation errors when not in admin.
* Updated Search Logic to include Wishlist Name field in search.
* Changes Per WPML
* Added wpml-config.xml file.
* Added wc_wishlists_get_page_id to filter wishlist page ids.
* Addded compatibility class which uses new filter.
2014.02.26 - version 1.4.3
* Allow simple and variable products that are out of stock to be added to a wishlist.
2014.02.13 - version 1.4.2
* Fixed bug when editing lists sharing status from the Edit My Lists page.
2014.01.09 - version 1.4.1
* Addded compatibility with WooCommerce Catalog Visibility Options. Users can add products they can not purchase to a WishList.
2014.01.07 - version 1.4.0
* 2.1 Compatibility
* Modified template loader for compatibility.
* Modified template loader to include woocommerce variable.
* Changed add_notice and add_error to use compatibility methods.
* Changed error_count to use compatibility methods
* Added compatibility with some new filters called in the standard cart template inside the View a List and Edit a List screens.
* Modified the API to use $_REQUEST for some variables which used to be $_GET
* Modified the variable add to cart handling to use new 2.1 methods for variations when 2.1x is available.
2013.12.21 - version 1.3.6
* Filter from address when sending emails so it uses the same setting as WooCommerce.
2013.11.29 - version 1.3.5
* Added option to get_wishlist_sharing to return localized version.
* Localize default Are you sure? text in javascript
* Change delete confirmation to use localized message.
* Fix localization logic in the find a list page.
2013.11.27 - version 1.3.4
* Update to allow the add all items to cart button to be used from the edit list screen.
2013.11.21 - version 1.3.3
* Translate the default Wishlist title for new lists.
* Use the filtered title from, wc_wishlists_create_list_args, when creating new lists.
* Text domain corrections. Correct text domain is wc_wishlist.
2013.11.14 - version 1.3.2
* Fix: When adding an item to the cart from the edit list screen, stay on the edit list screen.
* Update: Modify the filter call to woocommerce_add_cart_item_data to add the variation_id argument.
2013.11.12 - version 1.3.1
* New: When items are added from a wishlist to the cart, the title of the wishlist is shown on the cart and orders.
* New: New options in the Wishlist settings to automatically remove items from a list.
- Items will only be removed from a wishlist if the wishlist owner is the customer who added the item to the cart from the list.
- Items will be removed, or have the list quantity deducted by the actual amount the customer ordered.
- You can choose which order status you would like to have the items removed at. The default is "completed".
2013.11.06 - version 1.3.0
* New: Status and sharing filters on wishlist admin screen.
* New: Admin search now includes the First Name, Last Name and Email Address fields.
* New: Show account on dashboard when list is associated to a user.
2013.10.31 - version 1.2.10
* Remove session start
2013.08.28 - version 1.2.9
* Fixed update key
2013.08.28 - version 1.2.8
* Update: Modified variable product handler to add the nice name of a custom attribute to the list
rather than the slug.
2013.08.21 - version 1.2.7
* Fix: Add to cart when viewing someone elses shared list.
* Update: Change from woocommerce_in_cart_product_title to woocommerce_in_wishlist_product_title.
* Update: Modified facebook share link to use FB's new format and a modal popup.
2013.08.20 - version 1.2.6
* Update: Added two more localization strings
2013.08.15 - version 1.2.5
* Update: external products are not supported. Add to wishlist button removed from the single product page.
2013.08.13 - version 1.2.4
* Fix: Support multiple email recipients in the share via email form.
* Fix: Clear up a notice when adding an item to the wishlist.
2013.08.03 - version 1.2.3
* Update: Added missing localization strings
* Update: Change from woocommerce_in_cart_product_title to woocommerce_in_wishlist_product_title
2013.07.16 - version 1.2.2
* Update: Clean up older javascript.
* Update: Javascript to check for length of bundles or variations before attempting to move the wishlist wrapper.
2013.07.11 - version 1.2.1
* Update: Compatibility with product bundles when variable products are in the bundle.
* Update: Use wc_print_messages for latest version of WooCommerce
2013.06.23 - version 1.2.0
* Update: Moved menu position below core woocommerce items.
2013.06.17 - version 1.1.9
* Update: Moved email modal template to footer to prevent z-index issues.
2013.06.13 - version 1.1.8
* Fix: Check if date is present on list item before attempting to sort.
2013.05.30 - version 1.1.7
* Fix: Incorrect redirect when navigate directly to the Edit List page without selecting a list first.
2013.05.29 - version 1.1.6
* Update: More fixes for the email button and third party themes that are capturing the click event and stopping it.
2013.05.23 - version 1.1.5
* Update: Change selector on the email modal to be compatible with some third party themes that break it.
2013.05.22 - version 1.1.4
* Update: Use closest form to the add to wishlist rather than form.cart.
This is because some theme authors remove the cart class from the main product form.
2013.05.07 - version 1.1.3
* Update: Loaded text domain wc_wishlist and created empty lang folder.
2013.05.01 - version 1.1.2
* Fixes sharing problems for unauthenticated users.
2013.04.10 - version 1.1.1
* Modified add-to-wishlist popup to allow it to work when used inside another modal window.
* Fixed send email button code
2013.04.06 - version 1.1.0
* Check for post before processing templates
2013.04.02 - version 1.0.1
*Remove call by reference in item collection class.
2013.03.22 - version 1.0
*Initial Release
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